This folder allows one to test the KOnPoTe approach (only with Aker's lemmatiser). Java needs to be installed (tested with Java 8).

It contains the following resources:
  • corpus: folder that contains the XML corpus
  • KOnPoTe_lib: folder that contains the required libraries
  • lemmatizer: folder that will contain internal inputs and outputs for the text and the ontology (folder aker_lemmatizer, files added when the approach is run), as well as Aker's lemmatizer (AllFiveLanguages) found at http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Aker/activityNLPProjects.html
  • ontology: folder that contains the input ontology used in experiments, the gold standard ontology, as well as the ouputs when the approach is run on an example text or on the corpus
  • KOnPoTe.jar/.bat/.sh: the files to run the application
  • parameters.conf : a file of parameters